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The Melaleuca trees were brought to Florida in the early 1900's. All through the everglades you can find pockets of Melaleuca and the bees love the nectar from these trees. Melaleuca is a relative of the Manuka tree. Raw Manuka honey primarily comes from New Zealand but we have a close relative right here in the USA and we call it "The American Manuka." Melaleuca honey (Gelam, Cajeput honey) and Melaleuca oil are well studied.


Raw unpasteurized melaleuca honey is very good for us. Numerous medical studies have investigated its efficacy in wound healing and cancer fighting abilities. Researchers feel this is due to its powerful antioxidant compounds which lead to free radical scavenging. They identified 6 phenolic acids: gallic, syringic, benzoic, trans-cinnamic, p-coumaric, and caffeic acids & 5 flavonoids: catechin, kaempferol, naringenin, luteolin, and apigenin.


Color: Rich amber
Flavor: Melaleuca has the taste of a medicinal honey. It is very strong and odiferous.
Crystallization: Slow

12 oz (17.25 wt oz) Melaleuca Honey



    13880 Treeline Ave. S. #7
    Fort Myers, FL 33913

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    T: (239) 245-9426

    © 2023 by Frost Brook Apiaries, LLC.


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